Dr. D. Leitner

Educator · Consultant
Advisor· Public Speaker
Shooter · Veteran

I have spent over 15 years educating and advising executives, managers, team leads and more about how to utilize strategy for success.

As an consultant and mentor, I’ve worked with everyone from CEOs and other C-Suite executives down to team leads and individual contributors to improve their leadership, followership, and strategic engagement. My clients have come from bootstrapped startups and small businesses to well established large corporations and non-governmental organizations. 

I also work as a leadership mentor, coach, and consultant for officers in the IDF. 

Signature Program

Weaving Dr. D.'s story with topics of interest

Leadership Rising

How do certain people emerge as leaders and why? Dr. D. looks at the nature of leadership, teamwork, communication, and sacrifice with purpose. 

Politics Everywhere

From the bedroom to the boardroom and beyond, we engage politics as we try to maneuver and get our way. What can we do to get others to help make our ideas real?

Agent for Life

Our choices matter. How we fall, and what we do when we get back up determine our life story. We are all agents writing the story together. 

Soon by you

Inclusion and Accessibility – these are buzzwords that have tremendous weight. But what do they really mean, and who are they really about? Dr. D. may surprise you with his take.

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Learn more about David's Lectures or Workshops.

First time managers and anyone interested in improving their relationship with their leader and followers need to learn how to Lean Into Leadership. Learn tools, best practices, styles and skills so that leadership learns how to engage followership for success.

The “Leaning In” program concentrates on tools and skills that boost exemplary communication and positive feedback systems.

Leadership is about connecting with your followers and getting them to move together on a mutual strategic process. Reframing Leadership takes a deep look into the importance of understanding followership in-depth. This is vital for any level of of an organization -from the smallest teams to the highest level – because  followership directly impact our ability to accomplish goals in a timely and efficient manner.

Directed at upper management and executive leadership,  Visionary Leadership utilizes followership to make the right decisions about the future of the organization. These workshops helps the executive team effectively communicate strategic objectives. And you learn to guide strategic followership in your organization. That opens the door for followers who are most likely to create a fluid dynamic leadership team and organization.

My Thoughts

Followership and Leadership

What is Followership and why is it important?

We hear the word leadership a lot these days. But, what are leaders without followers? There are more followers than leaders in every organization. And most (if not all) of the leaders are also followers. 

Followership is integral to successful strategic engagement. It is time to focus on followership and understand how it impacts teams and organizations. 

From Strategy to Tactics

What is Strategy and why is it important?

We all engage strategy and tactics in our work and home. By learning and understanding strategy and tactics, leaders and followers are more likely to find a state of co-flow where they work in synergy and in support of each other.

So it’s important for people at every level of an organization to understand how strategy, tactics, and followership work together.


I am the only wheelchair user participating in International Practical Shooting Confederation competitions in Israel. These are videos of my competitions and practices. 

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Why yes, that is Yoda in the background. 

Did I purposely ask @yoeltisrael to pose with me in front of Yoda - yup. 

Did I feel right at home last night at the TLV Founders Forum.


Good people
Interesting Jewish symbology and artwork.
And Yoda with a Jewish Star

That pretty much sums up the event - well except for the actual discussion, which was phenomenal.

More on that in my LinkedIn post - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/davidleitner_being-a-founder-isnt-glamorous-its-a-activity-7244644150136983553-C2cc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Why yes, that is Yoda in the background.

Did I purposely ask @yoeltisrael to pose with me in front of Yoda - yup.

Did I feel right at home last night at the TLV Founders Forum.


Good people
Interesting Jewish symbology and artwork.
And Yoda with a Jewish Star

That pretty much sums up the event - well except for the actual discussion, which was phenomenal.

More on that in my LinkedIn post - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/davidleitner_being-a-founder-isnt-glamorous-its-a-activity-7244644150136983553-C2cc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

First half of the day - couldn't do anything, my legs were flaring. Was lucky I scheduled a post.

Second half of the day - built lego with my kid, had a short meeting with my storytelling course, then went to lie back down and scrolled and scrolled and scrolled and then posted something short.

For someone else, this might seem like a nothing day.

For me, the fact that I got past the first half and didn't stay in bed the whole time was a huge win.

Perspective matters.

You don't know what others are going through. 


First half of the day - couldn`t do anything, my legs were flaring. Was lucky I scheduled a post.

Second half of the day - built lego with my kid, had a short meeting with my storytelling course, then went to lie back down and scrolled and scrolled and scrolled and then posted something short.

For someone else, this might seem like a nothing day.

For me, the fact that I got past the first half and didn`t stay in bed the whole time was a huge win.

Perspective matters.

You don`t know what others are going through.


Many team leaders see experienced members as threats. It's natural to feel that way. You might think, "Are they here to take my job?" But it doesn't have to be this way. It's all about perspective.

Instead of seeing them as a threat, consider them an asset. Their life experience can be a goldmine of knowledge. It all starts with comfort and confidence. Both from the experienced contributor and you, the team leader. Are you comfortable having open and honest discussions? If not, it's time to build that trust.

Check out the full podcast: 

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6hpw24RS6c3BkE2E4mbPyM?si=3ae1531bb87c49be

YouTube: https://youtu.be/KflG2lmnwZA

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-doctors-den/id1692780078

Many team leaders see experienced members as threats. It`s natural to feel that way. You might think, "Are they here to take my job?" But it doesn`t have to be this way. It`s all about perspective.

Instead of seeing them as a threat, consider them an asset. Their life experience can be a goldmine of knowledge. It all starts with comfort and confidence. Both from the experienced contributor and you, the team leader. Are you comfortable having open and honest discussions? If not, it`s time to build that trust.

Check out the full podcast:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6hpw24RS6c3BkE2E4mbPyM?si=3ae1531bb87c49be

YouTube: https://youtu.be/KflG2lmnwZA

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-doctors-den/id1692780078

One of the best parts of my job is meeting new people and learning from them.

This is @yael.schuster and she is AMAZING!

One of the best parts of my job is meeting new people and learning from them.

This is @yael.schuster and she is AMAZING!

I blew off all the stickers!

Canal Challenge 2024 was an adventure.

I blew off all the stickers!

Canal Challenge 2024 was an adventure.

I'm supposed to be at a shooting range right now. 

Back at it after more than two months. 

Proving that my disability won't stop me from doing the things I love. 

I was all set to go. 

Until my right foot had a small run in with the BBQ tongs. 

And my left leg decided to join the party...

Now I'm lying on my back, looking at the ceiling, hating my body. 


I`m supposed to be at a shooting range right now.

Back at it after more than two months.

Proving that my disability won`t stop me from doing the things I love.

I was all set to go.

Until my right foot had a small run in with the BBQ tongs.

And my left leg decided to join the party...

Now I`m lying on my back, looking at the ceiling, hating my body.


Hospital visits are one of the many ways I and other members of Restart are helping our wounded warriors.

Hospital visits are one of the many ways I and other members of Restart are helping our wounded warriors. ...

There comes a point when you just want to give up.


I have those days. A lot.

CRPS is known as the world's most painful incurable condition. And it comes with something called Allodynia - pain from touch. Which means that every touch on my legs is an electric shock with an added blowtorch just for fun. (https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Complex_regional_pain_syndrome)

Every bounce of my wheelchair.
Every move that rubs my pants on my legs.

And that is only one part of the pain.

The only way forward is to NEVER give up.
To push on.
To make sure that whatever the obstacle is, you define it, set it's boundaries, and figure out the best way around/over/through.

Constant pain can make that difficult - what are the boundaries of something that may never end.

But I can't let that stop me.

I've got a life to live.

I am still going to do everything I can to move the needle. So I can't get over the pain. But I can push through it. Continue on. Fight to make today another day where I change my world a little.

It might take time.

It may take a lot of trial and error.

It may hurt (A LOT).

But don't ever. EVER Give up.

#BeCourageous. Aim High. Shoot for the stars. Live life.


Thank you for listening to my self-motivational talk today.

You can invite me to give it to you in person if you want. I'm happy to oblige.

There comes a point when you just want to give up.


I have those days. A lot.

CRPS is known as the world`s most painful incurable condition. And it comes with something called Allodynia - pain from touch. Which means that every touch on my legs is an electric shock with an added blowtorch just for fun. (https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Complex_regional_pain_syndrome)

Every bounce of my wheelchair.
Every move that rubs my pants on my legs.

And that is only one part of the pain.

The only way forward is to NEVER give up.
To push on.
To make sure that whatever the obstacle is, you define it, set it`s boundaries, and figure out the best way around/over/through.

Constant pain can make that difficult - what are the boundaries of something that may never end.

But I can`t let that stop me.

I`ve got a life to live.

I am still going to do everything I can to move the needle. So I can`t get over the pain. But I can push through it. Continue on. Fight to make today another day where I change my world a little.

It might take time.

It may take a lot of trial and error.

It may hurt (A LOT).

But don`t ever. EVER Give up.

#BeCourageous. Aim High. Shoot for the stars. Live life.


Thank you for listening to my self-motivational talk today.

You can invite me to give it to you in person if you want. I`m happy to oblige.

היה לי את העונג וכבוד להעביר הרצאה הערב כחלק מפברואר יוצאים מן הכלל לנוער בנתניה. המסרים העיקריים - שלהיות יוצא מן הכלל זה עניין של מנהיגות פורצת, חסידיות פעילה, שליחות, ומוכנות ליזום שינוי בעולם - לא נכות. 

I had the pleasure of giving a lecture to the Netanya teens as part of "Exceptional February". What were the main points? That to be exceptional is a function of emergent leadership, courageous followership, personal agency, and the willingness to engage to improve our world - not disability. 

So #BeCourageous and exceptional.

היה לי את העונג וכבוד להעביר הרצאה הערב כחלק מפברואר יוצאים מן הכלל לנוער בנתניה. המסרים העיקריים - שלהיות יוצא מן הכלל זה עניין של מנהיגות פורצת, חסידיות פעילה, שליחות, ומוכנות ליזום שינוי בעולם - לא נכות.

I had the pleasure of giving a lecture to the Netanya teens as part of "Exceptional February". What were the main points? That to be exceptional is a function of emergent leadership, courageous followership, personal agency, and the willingness to engage to improve our world - not disability.

So #BeCourageous and exceptional.

Sometimes you just have to take aim and shoot for the moon. 

It isn't about the strategy or tactics. 

It isn't about vision, objectives, or goals.

It's just about dealing with whatever is in front of you, NOW, and getting through the next few moments. 

#BeCourageous and don't let anything stop you!

Sometimes you just have to take aim and shoot for the moon.

It isn`t about the strategy or tactics.

It isn`t about vision, objectives, or goals.

It`s just about dealing with whatever is in front of you, NOW, and getting through the next few moments.

#BeCourageous and don`t let anything stop you!

Sometimes pain wins. It's 04:30 and my body cannot relax. It's been this way for over an hour. My legs are throbbing and feel like they've been dipped in ice water and lava at the same time. My throat hurts from hacking and each breath is a conscious attempt to not cough and throw up from the pain. 

It feels like a 🧨is going kablooie over and over again. 

This too shall pass. Being a #crpswarrior never ends, though the nature of the challenge is ever changing. 

I want to thank the many people who support me. But I need to single out the wif. Lala, thank you for being with me through these crazy days and nights. For your guidance, caring, and love. For the middle of the night teas even when you have to be out early in the morning. Thank you for the 🫂 and backrubs to try and ease the tension that swarms through me as I face these challenges. 

Thank you for making it a little easier to #nevergiveup

I hope you sleep well. ❤️

🔥&🧊 and so much not nice that's what this pain is made of. 🤢

Could really use some 💤

Sometimes pain wins. It`s 04:30 and my body cannot relax. It`s been this way for over an hour. My legs are throbbing and feel like they`ve been dipped in ice water and lava at the same time. My throat hurts from hacking and each breath is a conscious attempt to not cough and throw up from the pain.

It feels like a 🧨is going kablooie over and over again.

This too shall pass. Being a #crpswarrior never ends, though the nature of the challenge is ever changing.

I want to thank the many people who support me. But I need to single out the wif. Lala, thank you for being with me through these crazy days and nights. For your guidance, caring, and love. For the middle of the night teas even when you have to be out early in the morning. Thank you for the 🫂 and backrubs to try and ease the tension that swarms through me as I face these challenges.

Thank you for making it a little easier to #nevergiveup

I hope you sleep well. ❤️

🔥&🧊 and so much not nice that`s what this pain is made of. 🤢

Could really use some 💤

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