Doctrine @ The Doctor’s Den S01E08

Doctrine is an amorphous concept that the military uses to create unity through conceptual continuity. This contradiction is often a basis for strategic failure. So, what is doctrine, and why is it important?


Here Dr. D. Light dissects the concept of doctrine and demonstrates how the theological model is of use in understanding the role of fear in strategic analysis and and decision making? Fear acts as the counterbalance to the resources waystation – which presents the giving mindset.

In this theoretic framework, doctrine acts as a restrictive waystation that limits the ability to use energy. In using fear, Dr. Leitner is presenting the basis for courage and the examination of strengths beyond giving – how holding back, patience for instance, can act as a strength in the face of fear.

In this slightly longer than normal video he provides a macro and micro examination of doctrine as fear in relation to all the waystations of strategy. This presents the opportunity to discuss the potential objectives that will constitute the basis for operation.


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